"The Best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

We are an organization in the nature of a welfare trust named “Gautama Buddha Educational and Clean Indian Mission Foundation” registered as per the relevant provisions of the “Indian Trust Act 1882”. Our concern as decided would be the deteriorating level of quality and affordability of primary education. We shall be working with “Moti International School” registered under the same trust as a common platform to carry the goals forward undertaken by the trust with the corpus of fundraised by the members of the trust and from voluntary contributions if any. Our vision is inspired by the very opinion, congruent with others that the “Intellectual malnourished” of a child along with other deficiencies and deprivations is the greatest detriment to realize the full potential of a life; which unfortunately have become a plague to the masses especially among poorer. The ramifications of these absurdities are understood to be very deep and wide. This to our views has been an obstacle in reaping the demographic dividend of the country which in turn have hampered our economic growth, exacerbating the problem of inclusiveness additionally.

Today, where there exists a near-universal consensus that the primary education with other basic needs is of utmost importance in the healthy growth of an individual and of society; it would in no way, be just to ignore the same. To underline its importance further, the primary education being foundation to any one’s life, on one hand, serves the purpose to root out almost every vagaries and evil of the society on the other. India being a “Social welfare state” with a clear mentioning in her “constitution” for the same under the “Directive Principle of State Policy (DPSP)” ought to have taken some serious efforts in order to fulfill these goals. India in the past, proudly has taken a series of some ambitious efforts in the same direction as mentioned but due to economic and infrastructural constraint, she has not yet been able to solve the problem with its offshoots. Therefore, the need of the hour calls for some urgent effort also to be made by civil societies and the individual on their own part.

Taking note of its importance and having secured the generous supports of many from all over the country, we have embarked on the journey to knitting quality and affordability of the primary education together to serve the purpose of all, in general, and of the poor in special.


Junior Research Fellow, PhD
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
New Delhi-110016